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What Are The Ties Between Mental Health And Exercise?

Posted on January 06 2023, By: William Copa

Did you know that exercising can positively impact your mental health? Studies have shown that regular physical activity can improve your mood and reduce stress. It doesn’t matter what kind of exercise you do - from running to yoga to weight training, any form of physical activity can help you feel better mentally. Let’s take a look at the science behind why this is true. 


The Effects of Exercise on Your Brain 

When it comes to mental health, exercise has a number of positive effects. For one, it releases endorphins – hormones that give us feelings of pleasure and happiness – into our bloodstream. Regular physical activity also increases serotonin levels in the brain, which helps to regulate our moods and combat depression. Additionally, exercise can reduce cortisol levels, which are hormones associated with stress. All these changes in hormone levels contribute to improved mental health overall. 


Exercise and Stress Reduction 

It’s no surprise that we feel less stressed and anxious when we work out regularly. Exercise helps us release built-up muscle tension and reduces psychological distress by giving us an outlet for pent-up emotions like anger or frustration. Plus, when we engage in physical activities like running or biking outdoors, we are exposed to natural light (which is essential for regulating our circadian rhythms) and fresh air (which stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system). All these factors combine to help us relax and manage stress more effectively. 


Exercise and Self-Esteem 

Exercising also benefits our self-esteem; studies have found that people who work out regularly report higher levels of self-confidence than those who don’t get enough physical activity. This could be due to the fact that working out gives us a sense of accomplishment – every time we complete a workout session or reach a new personal best, we feel proud of ourselves! In addition, exercise helps us build muscle tone and lose excess fat, so looking good physically can lead to feeling good mentally as well. 


Is There A Tie Between Mental Health And Exercise?

Yes! Exercise is essential for both physical and mental health; the ties between the two are undeniable! From releasing endorphins and serotonin into our bloodstream to reducing cortisol levels and increasing self-esteem, engaging in regular physical activity has countless benefits for our mental well-being.

If you want to improve your mental and physical health, it’s important to include exercise in your routine. And don’t forget – pick an activity you enjoy doing so you stay motivated and make the most out of every workout session.


TNK Nutrition Supports Mental Health Initiatives

TNK Nutrition is committed to supporting mental health non-profits through our 50% profit donation to Mental Health Nonprofits.  

We want to change how people view working out for their mental health. Too often, people see working out as their only option for handling mental health when there are other options like support groups or therapy, sunlight, eating whole foods, and more.

If you are interested in learning more about how TNK Nutrition can help you stay healthy in body and mind, browse our online shop today.