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5 Tips to Help You Stick To Your Goals This Year

5 Tips to Help You Stick To Your Goals This Year

Posted on January 11 2023, By: William Copa

5 Tips to Help You Stick To Your Goals This Year

For many, the new year is a time of symbolic renewal. As we turn the calendar page, we also think of ways we can transform ourselves from the inside out. 

Did you set personal goals or intentions for 2023? While it's easy to feel motivated on New Year's Day, that inspiration can wane when the holiday celebrations are over and real life picks back up.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to stick to your goals all year long. Today, we're sharing five of our top tips!

1. Try Mindful Meditation

By now, you might have written your goals down in a journal. They might even be on sticky notes throughout your home, where you can see them every day.

Yet, to bring them to fruition, you may need to give them a little more than a passing glance. Try taking some time out each day to practice mindful meditation, keeping your goals at the center of your thoughts. Allow your mind to wander as it will, but try to gently re-route it back to your ambitions. 

As you do so, you'll begin to see the path toward them more clearly. Obstacles and triggers will be apparent, and you'll learn how to avoid them and choose a better response. Before long, your goals will feel more within reach than ever. 

2. Break Your Goals Down

Even the most attainable goals can feel out of reach if they're too big. It can help to break each one into manageable, actionable pieces.

For instance, if you want to run a half marathon by this summer, start by purchasing some workout clothes you love. Then, create an inspirational running playlist. Next, start by walking just a mile.

Eventually, you can work your way up to running, and pursue longer distances. As the adage says, a journey of a thousand miles (or just 13.1) starts with a single step. 

3. Look Ahead to the Future

The most achievable kinds of goals are those that lead to long-term, lasting change. Think about the kind of person you want to be, and what steps you need to take to get there. 

This helps you see the end result of your goals, so you can reframe them a little. To become a better chef, you don't have to try a new recipe every week. You can simply practice your craft, explore new cuisines and learn as much as possible. 

This makes your goals less intimidating, and more doable. Focus on what you want to accomplish with your goal, and allow yourself the grace to get there however you choose. 

4. Seek Accountability

Your goals might be personal to you. Yet, that doesn't mean you have to pursue them alone! Find someone you can trust, and share your intentions with them. 

Encourage them to cheer you on as you make strides toward the finish line, and hold you accountable if you veer off-track. Overcoming obstacles is much easier when you have a friend in your corner. Positive companionship is great for your mental health, too!

5. Reward Yourself

Goals are always easier when you know there's something sweet at the end of each step! Create a simple reward system that will help you look forward to each part of this journey. It doesn't have to be elaborate, but it should be something you look forward to.

For instance, you might take a bubble bath after a particularly hard run. Or, you may treat yourself to that fancy coffee if you read that book on your nightstand. The rewards don't have to be monetary-based to be memorable. 

As you enjoy each one, take the time to recognize your progress and look back at how far you've come. 

Stick to Your Goals This Year and Beyond

You can stick to your goals this year! Embrace 2023 with open arms, and ready yourself for all of the lessons it wants to teach you. As you make your goals, use these five tips to inch closer to them every day. 

If your goals are fitness-related, we can help you get there. At TNK Nutrition, we provide resources to help you optimize your physical and mental health. Shop our best-sellers today to learn more!