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Walking dog, outside, activities

Activities You Can Do to Help With Seasonal Depression

Posted on January 13 2023, By: William Copa

Walking dog, outside, activities

It's estimated that 5% of adults worldwide suffer from depression, making it a leading cause of disability. While some people struggle with depression on a long-term basis, others may only get it seasonally.

Most people are hit with depression during colder and darker seasons, like fall and winter. Lack of sunlight, changing weather and changing social scenes can all lead to feeling down. 

It can be difficult to get out of a funk, but it's not impossible. Keep reading to see which activities you can do outside to help ease seasonal depression.

Walk Your Pet

Fido depends on you for his well-being, so this can be motivation to treat yourself right. If you can't get out of bed, then some motivation can be the thought of your pet eagerly awaiting their walk.

Just going around the block can make you feel better already. But if possible, take longer walks that let you appreciate some greenery, such as at a local park.

If your buddy's struggling too, then make sure to give them all the best nutrition in life, including supplements (you should also take some vitamin D, as many people have deficiencies on darker days). When they're feeling stronger and perkier, then their happiness will rub off on you too!

Go Hiking

Studies show that being in nature can make you kinder, happier, and more creative. So make an effort to pack your bag, put on your hiking boots, and go hiking! The drive up can also be relaxing, helping you take in all the sights.

You can even invite your friends and family. Talking while tackling those challenging trails can be therapeutic.

Spruce up Your House

How long ago have you given your house or apartments a little refresh? It's time to spruce things up.

Rearranging some furniture, adding new plants, and cleaning are all wyas to kick start feeling better. Plus, the physical activity will pump some endorphins (a feel-good hormone) into your body.

Have a Meal With Loved Ones

Loneliness can exacerbate seasonal depression symptoms, making you want to hole up alone. It's a vicious cycle, but you can break free by reaching out.

Having friends over for a casual dinner can often help break the monotony of your day to day routine and get some endorphins flowing. 

With the importance of complete nutrition, a warm meal, and time spent with people (or pets) you care about can help you feel better. 

Soak up the Sun when Possible

Don't underestimate the power of sunlight in helping you feel better. Sunlight in the morning and evening has been shown to help increase sleep quality and in turn how you feel. 

No matter the how long, getting some sunlight on your skin and getting out of the house is a step towards feeling better. 

Fight Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression can affect anyone, making them feel lethargic and not at their best. It can be hard to slog through it, but with our tips, you can face the toughest of times.

Remember to eat well, get plenty of sleep, and stay away from alcohol and other harmful substances. When you treat your body right, it won't be as difficult to face depression symptoms.

Looking to stay in shape this Winter/Fall? Perform at your best with our sports bundle.