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Does My Dog Need Supplements? A Guide

Does My Dog Need Supplements? A Guide

Posted on January 11 2023, By: William Copa

Does My Dog Need Supplements? A Guide

The market for pet supplements is always increasing. This is in part led by people learning more about what it takes to care for their pets and what they need to help them live a healthy lifestyle. It seems the question on many pet owners' minds is "does my dog need supplements to be healthy?"

This is a valid question and one we intend to answer in the article below. As you read on, you will learn how to provide what you need for your pet, especially if you have an active dog. 

Why Does My Dog Need Supplements?

The answer to this question very much depends on the kind of dog you have.

If you have a very sedentary dog, the chances are you do not need to pick up much. It is likely you already give them enough through their daily meals. Still, it is sometimes a good idea to make sure you have not missed anything.

If you are an active person, though, and if you take your dog with you, you might want to think about different kinds of supplements. Your dog is, after all, a living being like you with the same needs.

You want to ensure your companion has the same support for their joints, muscles, and immune system as you. There is no reason to think they will not face the same difficulties as you otherwise.

The kinds of supplements your dog might need include:


Dogs often get choline from their diet. It helps their brain and liver function as they should. Though, if you believe they need a little more, using a supplement can ensure you do not skip out on this important nutrient.

Joint Supplements

Dogs are often very active, and if you are a hiker or have a fitness-based lifestyle they will happily join you. Making sure their body is ok while you do this can be very important. By using Omega-3 and other nutrients, you can make sure their joints work well for longer.


There are so many different vitamins, it can be easy to forget one. Using a multivitamin ensures your pet gets everything in one go.


Gut health is of huge importance for both dogs and humans. With a dog's diet, you might want to give it a little helping hand. Probiotics help their gut biome maintain stability.

How Often Should Dogs Get Supplements?

You should look at the supplement you plan to feed your pet to answer this question.

Many pet owners feed their dogs a multivitamin daily, to keep them in top shape and ensure they get the basics. If you have specific concerns, or your dog is aging, you can also add other supplements to this.

Pick Up the Best Supplements

This article should help you answer the question, "Does my dog need supplements?". Still, the next question would be where to pick up what you need, and what to introduce from the myriad of different choices available. Lucky for you, our site can help you pick up the exact thing you are looking for.

There are many different supplement options available for your furry friends. Be sure to check out our shop to find some of our most popular nutritional supplements to help with a balanced diet and get what you and your pet need.