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Pet Benefits: How Pets Can Keep You Active as You Age

Pet Benefits: How Pets Can Keep You Active as You Age

Posted on January 11 2023, By: William Copa

Pet Benefits: How Pets Can Keep You Active as You Age

You already know that your beloved, four-legged companion brings you lots of love and joy. However, did you also know that your pets can keep you active as you age, improving your physical, mental, and emotional health?

Owning and taking care of a pet might seem like a selfless act, but there are lots of ways it can serve you, too. Today, we're sharing some of the top pet benefits to understand!

Pets Lower Stress

Pet lovers know: It's nearly impossible to stay stressed, anxious, or frustrated when there's a giant furball just waiting to cover you with affection. 

Research shows that spending just 10 minutes with a cat or dog lowers your cortisol (stress hormone) levels. When this hormone spikes, it can increase your heart rate and blood pressure, initiating your body's "fight or flight" mode. Finding healthy, sustainable ways to manage stress does your mind and body good. 

The next time you're feeling stretched too thin, play fetch or toss around that ball of yarn. You're spending quality time with your pet and doing something great for your health!

Pets Need Exercise

Even the laziest pup loves a good walk around the block! Owners know that one of the best benefits of having pets is it nearly forces them to spend time in action. From early-morning strolls to evening jogs, your best bud is there to do it with you.

It's like having a built-in workout partner, every day of the week. Their bodies benefit from the motion just as much as yours, so it's a win-win. 

Nature Calls You Both

Unless you live in a rural area or you have a fenced-in yard, bathroom breaks for Fido mean nature breaks for you. Every time you take your pet out to use the bathroom, you're required to look up from your work and spend a few minutes in the great outdoors. 

Take advantage of this time and use it to perform a few deep stretches or simple exercises. It's a welcome reprieve for both of you!

Play Time Is Bonding Time

You don't have to take your pet on mile-long hikes to bond. Sometimes, it's as simple as throwing a ball in the yard or tossing that same squeaky chew toy in the living room for the millionth time. 

Experts reveal that quality playtime offers a host of pet benefits, including:

  • Improves their mental health
  • Enhances training
  • Increases stimulation
  • Reduces stress
  • Builds social skills
  • Reduces problematic behaviors

The next time your pup begs to play, try to carve out at least 10 to 15 minutes to get down and engage. As you bend, run, squat, and roll around, he'll have a blast and you'll help build strength, endurance, and flexibility. 

Reap These Pet Benefits Today

You don't have to be a proud dog or cat parent to reap these incredible pet benefits. Offer to walk your neighbor's dog, or spend time volunteering at an animal shelter!

Interacting with a pet is a great way to stay active, especially as you age. As you're planning your daily routine, make sure to prioritize time with your furry best friend. 

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