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Mental Health benefits of pets, dog, walking

How Different Pets Can Help With Mental Health

Posted on January 13 2023, By: William Copa

Mental Health benefits of pets, dog, walking

Are you struggling with mental illness? You're not alone; about one in five U.S. adults have a mental illness. 

It can sometimes feel like a challenge to do basic tasks such as getting out of bed, showering, or cooking a meal. You might wonder when you'll catch your break and feel a bit better. 

The good news is that there's hope. Pets can help with mental health and help us climb out of the darkness. 

Are you wondering how they can benefit you? Read this guide on how different pets can help your mental and physical health today! 

Possible Health Benefits

Different kinds of pets could decrease cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress-related hormone. 

They could also help to lower your blood pressure. Animals could also help lift your mood, offer social support, and reduce loneliness. Animals focus on you, whether you have a physical or mental illness. Petting an animal could also provide stress relief.

Cats purring could have a positive impact on emotional and mental well-being. It's thought that a cat purring could promote relaxation, reduce inflammation, and increase blood flow. 

Increase Exercise

Exercise could also help you feel better, thanks to releasing endorphins. Whether you're looking to go for a run or hike, your pooch could encourage you.

Dogs will help you be more likely to reach your daily step and exercise goals. Bonding over exercise will increase the connection between the two of you. 

Could Reduce Anxiety 

Mental health benefits include the potential to reduce anxiety. If you're anxious about heading out in the world, animals could help you build confidence. 

They could help decrease anxiety and offer comfort during times of stress. Animals are very in the moment; they don't worry about tomorrow or the past. This state of mind can rub off on their owners to be more in the present. 

Add Routine 

Adding routine and structure to your day could help with mental health, whether it's a regular walk, exercise, or feeding schedule. Having a plan also helps your animal remain calm and happy. Also, when you have to take care of them, it'll encourage you to get out of bed. 

Meet Others

Having a pet is an excellent way to meet others. You might stop and chat with other pet owners when you're out on a walk with your pet. You could also join online groups, training classes, local meetups, and more. 

The Benefit of Pets on Mental Health

This guide provides an overview of pets' benefits on mental health. If you have a pet, snuggle them closer on tough days and let them inspire you to get back out there and exercise. 

 Are you ready to get your pup out there on your next adventure? Check out our pet bundles or other packages. The pet bundle contains various vitamins and minerals to keep your fur baby strong on your next hike or walk. We believe in giving back and helping others; that's why 50% of profits go toward mental health programs.